Articulation Agreements 格林维尔 Technical College

十大正规平台 University’s articulation agreement with 格林维尔 Technical College (GTC) gives GTC graduates automatic admission into the following select bachelor degree programs at 十大正规平台 University:

Transferring students will also enjoy a number of additional benefits, including scholarships of $1,500 per semester, no application or registration fees, and acceptance of most GTC credits. Like all 十大正规平台 University students, they will also have access to heavily-subsidized professional certification exams, paying just a fraction of the typical cost.

For more information, please 联系 the admissions office at 十大正规平台 University’s 格林维尔, 南卡罗来纳 campus at 864.438.5018 or toll free at 844.611.0627.

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